Are you confused about different forms of oats? Let’s talk about different kinds of oats available in India

Oats (Avena sativa) are one of the most nutritious of all cereals for human use and a popular breakfast choice. These are gluten free and rich in many essential nutrients like protein (13.6%), carbohydrate (62.8%), fat (13.6%) and ash (1.8%).

The main disadvantage of this grain is removing large proportions of hulls (20-30%).

Many varieties of oats are grown. the most cultivated varieties are A.sativa and A.bzantina. it is most widely cultivated in India.

Let’s learn about different kinds of oats and their key features-

1.Raw oats (newly harvested): – when kernels (groats) are detached from the hulls and stalks then it is known as raw oats. It is not normally available in the market.

2. Whole oat groats: – Whole oat groats are the most rawest, purest and intact form of oats which available in the market.

They are milled to remove the outer husk. so, oat groats include the germ, bran, and endosperm part. They reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Glycaemic index: 51

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100gm):

    • Energy: 396kcal
    • Protein: 10.7g
    • Carbohydrate 74.9g
    • Sugars (naturally occurring) : 4.1g
    • Dietary fibres: 9.5g
    • Fat: 6g (saturated fats: 1g, monounsaturated fats: 2.4g, polyunsaturated fats: 2.6g)
    • Sodium: 10mg

Key features:

    • a)Texture: Super chewy
    • b)Flavour: Bit nutty almost like browned butter
    • c)Cooking time: 30-40 minutes
    • d)Suitable recipe: Porridge and pilaf

3. Steel cut oats: – Steel cut oats are also called pinhead oats, coarse oatmeal or Irish oatmeal. They are the most common breakfast meal. They are relatively larger than rolled oats. When hulled oats are cut one or twice with a steel blade then steel cut oats are formed.

They prevent a spike in glucose levels.

Glycaemic index:52

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100g):

    • Energy: 396kcal
    • Protein: 10.1g
    • Carbohydrates: 74.9 g
    • Sugars (naturally occurring): 0.6g
    • Dietary fibres: 11g
    • Fat: 6g (saturated fats: 1.1g, monounsaturated fats: 1.9g, polyunsaturated fats: 3.1g)
    • Sodium: 18mg

Key features:

    • Texture: Chewy but after proper cooking they become creamy and having a thick consistency.
    • Flavour: Nutty flavour
    • Cooking time: 20-30 minutes (10-15minutes for porridge)
    • Suitable recipe: Granola, porridge

4.Rolled oats: – Rolled oats are also eaten as Scottish oats or old fashioned oats.

They are normally light- processed whole grain food. They are steamed and flattened between heavy rollers that’s why they re known as rolled oats. They are most regular type of oats which helps to lower the cholesterol levels.

Glycaemic index: 59

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100g):

    • Energy: 363kcal
    • Protein: 13.1g
    • Carbohydrate: 62.5g
    • Sugar (naturally occurring): 0.8g
    • Dietary fibres: 9.6g
    • Fats: 6.7g(Saturated fats:1.8g, Monounsaturated fats: 3.4g, Polyunsaturated fats: 1.5g)
    • Sodium: 3mg

Key features:

    • Texture: Soft texture (sometimes mild chewy)
    • Flavour: Mild flavour
    • Cooking time: 10-15 minutes
    • Suitable recipe: Pancakes, baked goods, granola, smoothies, porridge.

5.Quick oats: – Quick oats are one type of rolled oats which have different thickness.

Their manufacturing process is same as rolled oats except the last step where, they are rolled into thinner flakes. For this reason, cooking time is lower than rolled oats. They are great for breakfast. They absorb water quickly.

They reduce the risk of heart disease.

Quick oats

Glycaemic index: 71

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100g):

    • Energy value :371kcal
    • Protein: 13.7g
    • Carbohydrate: 68.1g
    • Dietary fibre: 9.4g
    • Fat: 6.87g
    • Sodium: 3mg
    • Iron: 4.64mg

Key features:

    • Texture: Soft and fine texture (mushy texture)
    • Flavour: Mild flavour
    • Cooking time: 5minutes
    • Suitable recipe: Smoothie, granola, energy bites, pancakes, baked goods.

6.Instant oats:- Instant oats are one type of rolled oats which mostly processed.

In the processing period they are pre-cooked, dried, cut, steamed for long time and rolled into thinner flakes.

Since, they are sometimes packaged with adding additives the sweeteners, check the nutrition label and ingredients (only oats) in the time of buying.
They reduce the risk of cardiac arrest.

Glycaemic index: 75

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100g):

    • Energy value: 404.5kcal
    • Protein: 10.2g
    • Carbohydrates: 71.4g
    • Dietary fibre: 10g
    • Fat: 8.6g(Saturated fats: 1.6g, monounsaturated fats 4g, polyunsaturated fats 3g)
    • Sodium: 3.8g

Key features: –

    • Texture: Fine texture (sometimes can be grainy)
    • Flavour: Mild sweet but nutty flavour
    • Cooking time: 1-3 minutes
    • Suitable recipe: Oats upma, oats smoothie, oats chilla, muffin

7.Oat bran:- Oat bran are the outer layer of the oat groat which is removed in the time of manufacturing. it is not considered as whole grain.

They are high in fibre and can be used as an addition to food products for fibre supplementation. They help in weight loss.

Glycaemic index: 49.1

Nutritional information (approximate value Per 100g):

    • Energy value: 399kcal
    • Protein: 15.3g
    • Carbohydrate: 65.8 g
    • Dietary fibre: 15.8g(Soluble dietary fibre: 4.9 g, Insoluble dietary fibre: 10.9g)
    • Fat: 8.3g(Saturated fatty acid: 1.3g, monounsaturated fatty acid: 3.9g, polyunsaturated fatty acid : 2.9g)
    • Iron: 5.4gmg

Key features:

  • Texture: Grainy texture
  • Flavour: Nutty and slightly sweet
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes
  • Suitable recipe: lt can be used as an addition to cereal, yogurt, porridge, casseroles and baked products to increase fibre content or as a binder agent.

8.Oat flour: – Oat flour are the rolled oats, finely grind to a fine powder then it is called oat flour .

It is used in food products as a thickener.

Glycaemic index: 92

Nutritional information (approximate value per 100g):

    • Energy value: 397kcal
    • Protein 14.2 g
    • Carbohydrate 66g
    • Dietary fibre: 10.2g (Soluble dietary fibre: 4.4 g, Insoluble dietary fibre: 5.8g)
    • Fat: 8.5g(Saturated fatty acid 1.3 g, Monounsaturated fatty acid: 3.9g, Polyunsaturated fatty acid: 2.9g)
    • Iron: 4.4mg
    • Sodium: 4.9 mg

Key features:

    • Texture: Rough and grainy texture the regular flour
    • Flavour: Slightly sweet, toasty and nutty
    • Cooking time: 20 seconds to 1 minute
    • Suitable recipe: lt is used in baking or as a thickener in soups and stews

Which is the healthiest one?

Among these steel cut oats are less processed, healthier than other oats, because of its high fibre and low glycaemic content.

Whole oat groats are also nutritious but they are less acceptable for their high cooking time.

However, rolled oats are more or less similar to steel cut oats.

Quick and instant oats are more processed, retain less fibre content and have a high chance of being added with sweetener and flavour.

Always be careful of these flavour and sweetener added oats because they can be unhealthy for their excess sugar and sodium content. Always check the nutrition label and ingredient list (only oats) in the time of purchasing.



– Sudeshna Jana

(Nutritionist & Yoga Instructor)

Nutri World Team

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